Mango Farming : A profitable farming.

Mango farming is a popular and profitable agricultural activity in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Here are some details and do's and don'ts for mango farming:

Site selection: 
Mango trees require a warm, humid climate and well-drained soil. Choose a site with good sunlight exposure, adequate water supply, and soil pH ranging from 5.5 to 7.5.
Mango trees are usually propagated through seedling or grafted plants. Plant the mango tree in the center of the planting hole and fill it with soil mixed with organic matter. Keep the soil moist for the first few months until the tree establishes itself.

Apply a balanced fertilizer, rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, to the mango trees three to four times a year. Organic fertilizers like cow dung or compost can also be used.
Mango trees require regular watering during the growing season. Irrigate the trees once a week, and more frequently during hot and dry periods.

Mango trees require pruning to maintain their shape, remove diseased or dead wood, and promote new growth. Prune the trees during the dormant period to avoid damaging the fruit.
Pest and disease control: 
Mango trees are prone to various pests and diseases like mango mealybug, fruit fly, and anthracnose. Use natural or chemical pesticides and fungicides to control these pests and diseases.


Choose a well-drained site with good sunlight exposure and adequate water supply.

Apply a balanced fertilizer and organic matter to the soil.

Irrigate the trees regularly and more frequently during hot and dry periods.

Prune the trees during the dormant period to maintain their shape and remove diseased or dead wood.

Use natural or chemical pesticides and fungicides to control pests and diseases.

Don't plant mango trees in waterlogged or poorly drained soil.

Don't over-fertilize the trees, as this can lead to excessive vegetative growth and reduce fruit production.

Don't let the soil dry out completely, as this can lead to reduced fruit size and quality.

Don't prune the trees during the growing season, as this can damage the fruit and reduce yield.

Don't use chemical pesticides and fungicides excessively, as this can harm the environment and reduce biodiversity.


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